Agencies and Marketing Suppliers
Agencies are often asked to comply with the use of company processes or tasks that are sub-optimal and consume too many valuable internal and external resources, without delivering real value.
Our platform is designed to be “agency friendly”, allowing them to submit data from their system to ours without adding resources, and saving considerable time and talent. It’s a win-win for clients and agencies alike.

Agencies spend too much time and resources making important data available to their clients without the proper tools.

Agencies want to focus more on the work and less on low value tasks.
Agencies can be bogged down by random, unstructured data requests that are time consuming and low value. Our platform allow agencies to spend more time on their competencies, by simplifying and streamlining how data gets submitted to clients. Now, the process being faster, more consistent and reliable, clients get what they want while agencies can deliver outstanding work.

Dell Technologies relies on EvaluationDeliver to drive performance assessment excellence
As the world’s largest privately controlled technology company, Dell leaned on Agency Mania Solutions to fully revamp its end-to-end performance program with agency partners globally.