Marketing Partnership Management Software
We offer automated, Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions, designed to improve the ability of brand advertisers to effectively manage their valuable marketing agency and supplier relationships.
Enabling better strategic partnership relationships
Customizable software (SaaS)
We implement custom software solutions that conform to your business (tailored to your needs/processes), with the agility to evolve as you do.
Unbiased and consultative
We do not try to steer you one direction over another, we build the solution to your needs. This also means we work with you to identify new, enhanced features/modules to drive value that matters.
Unmatched client/agency experience
Our rich experience on both sides of the relationship sets us apart in the marketplace, as it translates to best practices we offer, thoughtfulness to the implementation, and potential tradeoffs.
Enterprise SaaS Technology
Scoping tool to manage scope (SOW) workflow and spend.
Evaluation software to assess your relationship performance.
Supplier management software to source an agency.
Agency briefing software to improve input quality.
A consolidated view tracking all key performance indicators.
A flexible, one-stop online contract management database.
A production management solution to streamline workflows.