The Future of AI in Client/Agency Relationships

AI has the potential to fundamentally improve the way we produce advertising. How will AI also impact client/agency relationships? When IBM developed Deep Blue, the artificial intelligence (AI) program had one purpose: to play chess. This program made history by becoming the first intelligent machine to beat chess master Gary Kasparov in a 1997 chess […]

Are you gambling with your agency partners?

Gambling with Agency Partners

Four Lessons To Build Strong Partnerships There is no place like Las Vegas to understand gambling. Gambling’s what it’s known for. If you visit Sin City and do not hold some cards, play at a slot machine, sit at a poker or blackjack table or toss some dice, you are missing out on what the […]

5 Reasons clients can inadvertently set their agencies up for failure

Featured on Producers & Procurers iQ: When clients take responsibility for setting agencies up for success, they see lower fail rates and stronger performance. — Read the published Producers & Procurers iQ  article — The chicken or the egg causality dilemma has been around for ages. It dates to Aristotle in the 4th century BCE […]

The Chicken and the Egg Dilemma

When clients take responsibility for setting agencies up for success, they see lower fail rates and stronger performance. — Read our article posted on ANA — — Read our article posted on LBBonline — — Read our article posted on 4As — — Read our article posted on Producers & Procurers iQ — — Read […]