Unlocking Efficiency: 4 Steps to Powerful Agency Management and How to Handle Roadblocks

Unlocking Efficiency Article

Advertiser relationships are under greater scrutiny to do more with less. Brands must implement a step-by-step approach to a more automated, streamlined, and smarter way to engage with agencies and deliver organizational value.    “Do more with less” has become a corporate mantra for most brand advertisers and the agency ecosystem that brands rely on […]

Rethinking ‘AI’ in a Partnership World: Advice for Advertisers and Agencies

Rethinking AI in a Partnership World: Advice for Advertisers and Agencies

What if “AI” meant something more than artificial intelligence? Discover 6 surprising and effective ways this popular abbreviation can improve agency partnerships. Members of the Association of National Advertisers selected AI as the Marketing Word of the Year for 2023. No surprise there. The AI phenomenon is indisputable: The abbreviation appears to be in every agency presentation, […]

A CMO’s Wake-up Call: not Who but How

Why CMOs must shift their mindset and focus from “Which agencies should I hire?” to “How can I operate to embolden agencies to succeed?” —no matter whom a brand partners with.   A recent article by Ad Age predicts an increase in account reviews as a result of agency layoffs, corporate restructuring, leadership changes, and […]

Getting Stuff Done – Better, Faster, Smarter

Improving the output of client–agency collaboration to drive cost efficiencies and bulletproof your business in turbulent times.   In the cacophony of business life and a new year full of promises, when the demands of work, team commitments, and the ever-present allure of conflicting priorities create a symphony of chaos, the quest to get things […]

Run, Forrest, Run.

How fast or far you can run only matters if you run in the right direction: Discover how brand advertisers can ensure the effective use of budgets and talent with an integrated approach to managing agency partnerships. By Bruno Gralpois Author/Speaker, Thought-provocateur, Client/Agency Guru, Entrepreneur, Innovator   In the 1994 American film Forrest Gump, based […]

The Organized Feedback Framework

Providing and receiving feedback to/from valuable partners requires a multi-dimensional organized approach that is essential to building long-term thriving partnerships: — Read the published article on 4A’s — — Read the published article from the Association of National Advertisers–               All relationships flourish on feedback. All relationships require input […]

Partnership in 2021 – An Inconvenient Truth

Raising awareness of the increased tension in client/agency relationships amid COVID – The case for why 2021 will be the year of renewed partnerships: — Read the published article on 4A’s — The 2006 Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” featuring former United States Vice President Al Gore reenergized the environmental movement after making a dire […]

Five Inconvenient Truths About Client-Agency Partnerships in 2021 and How to Fix Them

Featured on WARC: This article examines the increased tension in client–agency relationships amid the COVID-induced recession, and how to make 2021 an opportunity to renew and refresh these partnerships. — Read the published article on WARC — Read the quick summary: The agency industry has been shaken by the pandemic, with the associated budget cuts […]

Predictions for a New (Partnership) World Order

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros: Additional disruption?  Greater turmoil?  Further transformation?  What radical changes should advertisers expect in a post-COVID world? — Read the published article on ANA Maestros — Apparently, you cannot be late if you arrive early. This lapalissade, inspired by the French nobleman Jacques de La Palice (1470 – 1525) known for […]

Predictions for a New (Partnership) World Order

Additional disruption?  Greater turmoil?  Further transformation?  What radical changes should advertisers expect in a post-COVID world? — Read the published article on ANA Maestros — Apparently, you cannot be late if you arrive early. This lapalissade, inspired by the French nobleman Jacques de La Palice (1470 – 1525) known for his truisms, captures our insatiable […]

Partnering for success

Our visual: showcases the 10 essential ingredients to PARTNERING for success. We breakdown what we’ve learned over decades about top-performing partnerships and how to achieve long-term success. Download a print-friendly version here Find the accompanying article here