ScopeDeliver™ Scope Swapping

Request more information on the module within our agency scoping solution, ScopeDeliver™, that allows clients to continually adjust and refine their scopes of work (SOW) and list of deliverables or projects based on an agreed-upon, set budget:

Once SOWs are finalized along with agency retainers or project fees, the planning process ends and the work begins. Inevitably, over time, goals and priorities change based on business performance, the competitive environment, and new marketing challenges. And so must SOWs. Deliverables and resources must shift. New ones must be created, while some will be reduced and others canceled, even though budgets may remain unchanged. This is one of ScopeDeliver™’s popular modules called “Scope Swapping.”

What It Solves:

The Scope Swapping module was created to simplify, streamline, and automate the otherwise loose processes often followed by clients and agencies in making scope adjustments within an established budget.

Contents We Dive Into:

  1. Business Context
  2. Tool Overview
  3. Illustrative Views
  4. How Clients Benefit

Agency Mania Solutions Optional Module Add On Scope Swapping

To request more information on the Scope Swapping module, please contact [email protected].