2024 Top Agencies in the World by Revenue

AMS 2024 Top Agencies Poster

Our visual captures the largest global agencies based on 2023 revenue/agency changes. We break down the notable agencies (and networks) for the top 6 and list out the top 15 agencies’ revenue, change year-over-year and key information (HQ, worldwide scope, size, etc.) Download a print-friendly version here

Breaking Silos: The Key to Effective Cross-Agency Teamwork

Agency Mania Solutions Featured Graphic Breaking Silos

How Brand Advertisers Can Foster Collaboration, Enhance Communication, and Drive Collective Success!   The largest brands in the world rely on a web of agencies across several advertising and marketing disciplines. Some brands have dozens, even hundreds, of agency partners working on their behalf. The ability of their agencies to seamlessly collaborate and work together […]

2023 Top agencies in the world by revenue

Our visual captures the largest global agencies based on 2022 revenue/agency changes. We break down the notable agencies (and networks) for the top 6 and list out the top 15 agencies’ revenue, change year-over-year and key information (HQ, worldwide scope, size, etc.). Download a print-friendly version here

Overcome the 3Cs of Partnership Demise

Chaos, Complexity and Costs greatest threats to corporate performance Partnerships always have played a crucial role in driving growth, no matter the industry. Partner collaboration helps businesses go further, access additional talent and resources, and leverage each other’s strengths. In advertising and marketing, effective collaboration between a brand and its ecosystem of agencies and marketing […]

2022 Top agencies in the world by revenue

Our visual: captures the largest global agencies based on 2021 revenue/agency changes. We break down the notable agencies (and networks) for the top 6 and list out the top 15 agencies’ revenue, change year-over-year and key information (HQ, worldwide scope, size, etc.). Download a print-friendly version here  

2020 Top agencies in the world by revenue

Our visual: captures the largest global agencies based on 2019 revenue/agency changes. We break down the notable agencies (and networks) for the top 6 and list out the top 15 agencies’ revenue, change year-over-year and key information (HQ, worldwide scope, size, etc.).  To request a complimentary electronic copy of any above visuals, please contact [email protected]

Considerations to Determine the Right Agency Model

Our visual: outlines three key considerations when deciding the best agency model for brand advertisers. To determine the right agency model, clients will want to evaluate the breadth of options available and the implications each scenario may have for the company’s marketing effectiveness, integration, costs, speed to market, agility, process efficiencies, brand/message control, and internal […]

A Guide to Agency Management in 2020

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the ANA’s published article — Advertising has evolved into a complex, multi-faceted discipline requiring skills borrowed from business strategy, finance, information technology, human resources and almost every other corporate function. So, it’s no surprise that the list of activities on marketers’ desks increasingly runs long and deep. Too […]

Marketer’s Strongest Muscle is the Agency

Featured on the ANA: Keys to Ending the Agency Mania — Read the ANA’s published article — A short decade ago, the world of advertising was going through major disruption with the unstoppable advance of the empowered consumer through technology and digital mediums. Now, because of this change, the advertising and marketing communication disciplines are […]