Save Your Agency-Client Relationships from Drowning in the Pandemic Sea

Featured on 4A’s and ANA: How clients and agencies can avoid the heightened risk of relationships failing during the stormy pandemic crisis: — Read the published article on 4A’s — — Read the published article on ANA — The recent health crisis tested every business, every individual, and every relationship in some way. We will […]

Dell Case Study

Watch this Dell Case Study video showing how Dell used EvaluationDeliver™ and TrainingDeliver™  to deliver top performance from its agencies through improved collaboration, innovation, creativity, and executional excellence.  Brought to you by Agency Mania Solutions. — Request a copy of the case study here —

Save Your Agency-Client Relationships from Drowning in the Pandemic Sea

How clients and agencies can avoid the heightened risk of relationships failing during the stormy pandemic crisis: — Read the published article on 4A’s — — Read the published article on ANA — The recent health crisis tested every business, every individual, and every relationship in some way. We will look back and, without a […]

Podcast Evaluating and Managing Marketing Agency Partners

Featured on MarTech Podcast Listen to Benjamin Shapiro’s interview with guest Bruno Gralpois, Co-Founder and Principal of Agency Mania Solutions, where he discusses the best way to evaluate and manage your existing agency relationships, along with the frequency at which an evaluation should occur.  You’ll learn the three vital aspects to agency performance, and how […]

The Domino Effect

Featured on AdExchanger: Anticipating the cascading impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the advertising industry and client/agency relationships.   — Read the published AdExchanger article  — We are all too familiar with the chain reaction produced when one event sets off a series of inevitable events. Today’s economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic has also set […]

The Domino Effect – Bracing for Impact

Watch this recap of our newest article where Bruno explains the Domino effect the COVID-19 pandemic will have on client + agency relationships and goes over 4 potential pressure points. Brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions.  — Read the article here —

The Question Guide to Financial Stability During a Recession

Featured on Adweek: Is your agency ready for a recession? –Read the published Adweek guide – Agencies are hardly strangers to volatility. Increasingly late or delayed payments from clients and the unpredictability of project-based work make financial stability a challenge even in the best of times. While there’s no way of knowing what the next […]

What Advertisers Should do to Protect Their Investment in Valuable Agency Relationships During Difficult Economic Times

Successfully Managing Agency Partnerships in Tumultuous Times: In times of crisis, traditional playbooks go out the window. Under pressure, with mounting concerns and increased tension, the risks of mishandling situations are far greater and the consequences potentially disastrous. Things are moving fast. Decisions are made hastily. The tendency is to favor short-term gains, and the […]

The Brand Agency Relationship Can Suffer During Tumultuous Times

Featured on AdExchanger: — Read AdExchanger’s Published Article — In times of crisis, traditional playbooks go out the window. Under pressure, with mounting concerns and increased tension, the risks of mishandling situations are far greater and the consequences potentially disastrous. The tendency is to favor short-term gains, and the focus is on extinguishing raging fires. […]

Transactional Relationships Are Out

Featured on ANA Maestros — Read the published ANA article — We’ve heard it before: Don’t treat your agencies as mere vendors, unless, of course, a commodity is what you are seeking. But the label “vendors” shouldn’t be such a dirty word. In principle, “vendors” are delivering services that have reasonable commercial value and getting […]

4A’s Relationship Management Best Practices Guidance

Featured on 4A’s — Read the published 4A’s article — Considering the time, energy and expense marketers spend conducting reviews—and that agencies spend on developing new business—it’s critical for both partners to ensure a long and fruitful relationship. Having a powerful relationship-management program can help you get your relationship off to a good start and […]