Agency Mania Solutions Launches AI Sentiment Analysis in EvaluationDeliver™

Bellevue – July 15, 2024 – Agency Mania Solutions (AMS) proudly announces the latest innovation in its performance evaluation solution: EvaluationDeliver: AI Sentiment Analysis. Leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, AI Sentiment Analysis accelerates and enhances the assessment of client–agency relationships. It offers brands a more insightful and effective evaluation process, which is otherwise challenging to secure […]

EvaluationDeliver™ AI Sentiment Analysis

AMS Feature Highlight AI Sentiment Analysis

Request more information on the AI Sentiment Analysis feature within our agency performance solution, EvaluationDeliver™, that accelerates and enriches the assessment of client-agency relationships: Sentiment analysis is highly prized for its capacity to provide invaluable insights into the perceptions, preferences, and emotions of a group. Typically, this involves navigating extensive data sets to extract the […]

10 Best Advertising Quotes | June 2024

June Quote Video Cover

Discover June’s 10 best quotes about the state of the advertising landscape from industry thought-leaders such as Victoria Lozano (Crayola), Francois Lee (Amazon), Andrea Stillacci (HEREZIE), and more. Dive into our collection of video resources for more industry insights. Brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.

10 Best Advertising Quotes | April 2024

Inspiring Advertising Quotes of April

Discover April’s 10 best quotes about the state of the advertising landscape from industry thought-leaders such as Mark Read (WPP), Marla Kaplowitz (4A’s), Marc Pritchard (P&G), and more. Dive into our collection of video resources for more industry insights. Brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.

Rethinking ‘AI’ in a Partnership World: Advice for Advertisers and Agencies

Rethinking AI in a Partnership World: Advice for Advertisers and Agencies

What if “AI” meant something more than artificial intelligence? Discover 6 surprising and effective ways this popular abbreviation can improve agency partnerships. Members of the Association of National Advertisers selected AI as the Marketing Word of the Year for 2023. No surprise there. The AI phenomenon is indisputable: The abbreviation appears to be in every agency presentation, […]

10 Best Advertising Quotes February 2024

Discover February’s 10 best quotes about the state of the advertising landscape from industry thought-leaders such as Tom Denford (ID Comms Group), Alyson Griffin (State Farm), Mark Read (WPP), and more. Dive into our collection of video resources for more industry insights. Brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.

Overcome the 3Cs of Partnership Demise

Chaos, Complexity and Costs greatest threats to corporate performance Partnerships always have played a crucial role in driving growth, no matter the industry. Partner collaboration helps businesses go further, access additional talent and resources, and leverage each other’s strengths. In advertising and marketing, effective collaboration between a brand and its ecosystem of agencies and marketing […]

The Future of AI in Client/Agency Relationships

AI has the potential to fundamentally improve the way we produce advertising. How will AI also impact client/agency relationships? When IBM developed Deep Blue, the artificial intelligence (AI) program had one purpose: to play chess. This program made history by becoming the first intelligent machine to beat chess master Gary Kasparov in a 1997 chess […]

10 Best Advertising Quotes of February 2021

Discover 10 most inspiring quotes about the state of advertising from industry thought-leaders such as Raja Rajamannar (CMO Mastercard), Barry Byrne (Global Head of Marketing adidas),  and Bruno Cardinali (CMO Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen), brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.

Partnership in 2021 – An Inconvenient Truth

Raising awareness of the increased tension in client/agency relationships amid COVID – The case for why 2021 will be the year of renewed partnerships: — Read the published article on 4A’s — The 2006 Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” featuring former United States Vice President Al Gore reenergized the environmental movement after making a dire […]

Five Inconvenient Truths About Client-Agency Partnerships in 2021 and How to Fix Them

Featured on WARC: This article examines the increased tension in client–agency relationships amid the COVID-induced recession, and how to make 2021 an opportunity to renew and refresh these partnerships. — Read the published article on WARC — Read the quick summary: The agency industry has been shaken by the pandemic, with the associated budget cuts […]