ScopeDeliver™ Internal SOW Benchmarking

Agency Mania Solutions Optional Module Add On SOW Benchmmarking

Request more information on the module within our ScopeDeliver™ solution to collect, aggregate, and report historical costs to assist in the negotiation and alignment process with agencies: An important part of the scope of work (SOW) process is the review and approval of the agency’s fee or cost submission required to carry out the work […]

Cost Benchmarking

Request a white paper on how to get the most value from cost benchmarking: Cost benchmarking has received much attention in recent years as brand advertisers look more carefully at their expenses, seek greater transparency from agency partners on cost assumptions, and, in the end, strive to drive better and more effective use of their […]

Cutting Agency Fees is Not the Answer to Your Marketing Budget Challenges

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the published ANA article — The threat of corporate restructuring, zero-based budgeting, and other cost-cutting initiatives can keep CMOs up at night. With the constant pressure to reduce marketing budgets, cutting agency fees is without a doubt very tempting. However, asking agencies to cut their fees without careful […]

8 Lessons for Managing Agency Relationships

Featured Webinar with OpenText Hightail: — Read the published webinar recap — Advertisers are constantly striving to do more marketing with less budget, looking for efficiencies and ways to reduce wasteful spend and efforts while working with agency partners, according to Bruno Gralpois, co-founder of Agency Mania Solutions and the author of the newly released Agency Mania, 2nd Edition. […]

The Primary Drivers Behind the Move to Deliverable-First Pricing with Agencies

The Rise of Deliverable-first Models: What are deliverable-first models, and why are they on the rise? It’s dinner time. You sit down and look at the menu. You place our order. The dishes you ordered are specialties of that restaurant. After you enjoy your meal, you ask for the check. You get an itemized list […]