ScopeDeliver™ Internal SOW Benchmarking

Request more information on the module within our ScopeDeliver™ solution to collect, aggregate, and report historical costs to assist in the negotiation and alignment process with agencies: An important part of the scope of work (SOW) process is the review and approval of the agency’s fee or cost submission required to carry out the work […]
Why Advertisers Must Pay it Forward to Systematically and Effectively Reduce Costs and Eliminate Inefficiencies

The Investment Dilemma: It often costs a penny to save $100 dollars. That’s right. By cost, I mean “investment.” As with any investment, you expect the return to be far greater than the costs. Therefore, even in a time of economic uncertainty, brand advertisers must invest in solutions like scope management to better manage agency […]
Cost Benchmarking

Request a white paper on how to get the most value from cost benchmarking: Cost benchmarking has received much attention in recent years as brand advertisers look more carefully at their expenses, seek greater transparency from agency partners on cost assumptions, and, in the end, strive to drive better and more effective use of their […]
Cutting Agency Fees is Not the Answer to Your Marketing Budget Challenges

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the published ANA article — The threat of corporate restructuring, zero-based budgeting, and other cost-cutting initiatives can keep CMOs up at night. With the constant pressure to reduce marketing budgets, cutting agency fees is without a doubt very tempting. However, asking agencies to cut their fees without careful […]
Top Search Consultants Meet in LA Looking for Insight on the Changing Nature of the Ad Industry and Its Vibrant Ecosystem of Agencies

Still Searching: In the American thriller “Searching,” by Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian, a father searches for his daughter in a movie set solely on computer screens and smartphones. The movie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in early 2018, is a financial success, generating 75 times more in revenue than it cost to […]
8 Lessons for Managing Agency Relationships

Featured Webinar with OpenText Hightail: — Read the published webinar recap — Advertisers are constantly striving to do more marketing with less budget, looking for efficiencies and ways to reduce wasteful spend and efforts while working with agency partners, according to Bruno Gralpois, co-founder of Agency Mania Solutions and the author of the newly released Agency Mania, 2nd Edition. […]
Predicting a New Era of Energized Partnerships, Fierce Growth, Drastic Changes, and New Ways for Clients and Their Agencies to Collaborate

Advertisers and Agencies: Are You Ready For 2020? FORGET ABOUT 2019 PREDICTIONS. The year 2020 is glowing on the horizon, fueled by opportunities, innovation, transformative forces, and yes, the fear of the unknown. There have been many attempts to get a glimpse into the future and predict what 2020 would look like for the marketing […]
Improving Work Quality, Efficiency, and Transparency, Without Falling Into Common Scope of Work Traps That Undermine Marketing Efforts

Avoiding Deadly Scope of Work Traps: The importance of having a robust scope of work (SOW) management system that improves how a brand advertiser manages the allocation of its internal and agency resources– human and financial–no longer needs to be established. The years of having advertisers trade scope documents and agency financials via email or […]
The Primary Drivers Behind the Move to Deliverable-First Pricing with Agencies

The Rise of Deliverable-first Models: What are deliverable-first models, and why are they on the rise? It’s dinner time. You sit down and look at the menu. You place our order. The dishes you ordered are specialties of that restaurant. After you enjoy your meal, you ask for the check. You get an itemized list […]
Evolving How Marketing Executives Think About Managing Their Marketing Budgets and Driving Fiscal Accountability

Don’t work your “non-working” too hard. How much non-working spend is too much or too little? The most controversial topic among brand advertisers, C-suite executives and agency leaders is no doubt the infamous working and non-working spend ratio. It often makes the headline in investor calls when the CFO or CMO announces major cuts in […]