EvaluationDeliver™ Action Planning

Request more information on the Action Planning module within our agency performance solution, EvaluationDeliver™, which facilitates sustained accountability and enhances the predictability and transparency of action plan execution: Performance evaluations have become a necessity for advertisers to continuously improve and strengthen agency relationships and the work produced by these vital partners. Once opportunities for improvement […]
What Metrics Should Advertisers Use to Make Effective Use of Their Agency Partnerships?

The Right KPIs to Manage Agency Partners: When the concept of dashboards was introduced, it mostly served to protect vehicle occupants from debris thrown or “dashed up,” by the horses’ hooves in front of the carriage, and when cars came on the scene, protection from the heat and oil of the engine. In other words, […]
What to Look for in 2020

Our visual: outlines critical aspects of the agency lifecycle that are growing in importance (based on 2019 learnings). How brand advertisers tighten focus on the agency strategy, scoping, briefing, evaluation and training process. To request a complimentary electronic copy of any above visuals, please contact [email protected]
A Guide to Agency Management in 2020

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the ANA’s published article — Advertising has evolved into a complex, multi-faceted discipline requiring skills borrowed from business strategy, finance, information technology, human resources and almost every other corporate function. So, it’s no surprise that the list of activities on marketers’ desks increasingly runs long and deep. Too […]
4 Ways Brand Advertisers Can Implement the Right Agency Model and Unlock the Transformational Value of Their Agency Partnerships

Blind Men and the Elephant: Download a print-friendly version here “It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind.” In his infamous poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant,” 19th century American poet John […]