EvaluationDeliver™ AI Sentiment Analysis

Request more information on the AI Sentiment Analysis feature within our agency performance solution, EvaluationDeliver™, that accelerates and enriches the assessment of client-agency relationships: Sentiment analysis is highly prized for its capacity to provide invaluable insights into the perceptions, preferences, and emotions of a group. Typically, this involves navigating extensive data sets to extract the […]
EvaluationDeliver™ Participation Tool

Request more information on the Participation Tool feature within our agency performance solution, EvaluationDeliver™, that provides a more streamlined and simplified process to manage and update participation lists: Anyone who has ever set up and run a survey process like client/agency evaluations appreciates the inherent complexities and challenges associated with building and maintaining/updating a list […]
Ready to Jump? How to Swim Through Effective BRs Without Drowning

How to Swim Through Highly Effective Agency QBRs Without Drowning. A step-by-step approach to conducting Agency Quarterly Business Reviews that strengthen the work and improve collaboration.