Gilead Science’s Integrated Platform

An integrated mix of agency management tools enables Gilead Sciences to improve agency insights, action plans, work output, relationships and more streamlined, efficient use of resources.
A Guide to Agency Management in 2020

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the ANA’s published article — Advertising has evolved into a complex, multi-faceted discipline requiring skills borrowed from business strategy, finance, information technology, human resources and almost every other corporate function. So, it’s no surprise that the list of activities on marketers’ desks increasingly runs long and deep. Too […]
Transactional Relationships Are Out

Featured on ANA Maestros — Read the published ANA article — We’ve heard it before: Don’t treat your agencies as mere vendors, unless, of course, a commodity is what you are seeking. But the label “vendors” shouldn’t be such a dirty word. In principle, “vendors” are delivering services that have reasonable commercial value and getting […]
Clients and Agencies Alike Deserve Better Partnership Practices

Featured on CampaignUS: Clients and agencies alike deserve better partnership practices. Here are five areas that agencies and clients could all work better at when it comes to partnering. — Read the published CampaignUS article — In the age of constant “mania,” advertisers and agencies deserve better ways to collaborate and successfully partner. “We deserve […]
How Advertisers Can Learn From Debacles Like Samsung’s Recent Agency Partnership Audit

Lessons Learned from the Samsung Debacle: In the age of transparency and accountability, advertisers can learn from debacles like Samsung’s recent agency partnership audit. The marketing industry is still in shock, following the announcement that Samsung Electronics Co.’s presumed audit of its agency practices and operations led to various layoffs and the departure of top […]
In the Age of Constant “Mania,” Advertisers and Agencies Simply Deserve Better Ways to Collaborate and Successfully Partner

We Deserve Better! “We deserve better.” This expression has been used in recent political events. But it’s never been truer for the current state of client/agency relationships in our industry. I’ve been actively engaged in this vibrant industry, at agencies or as a client, for over 20 years. Like you, I’ve seen the good, the […]
Improving Work Quality, Efficiency, and Transparency, Without Falling Into Common Scope of Work Traps That Undermine Marketing Efforts

Avoiding Deadly Scope of Work Traps: The importance of having a robust scope of work (SOW) management system that improves how a brand advertiser manages the allocation of its internal and agency resources– human and financial–no longer needs to be established. The years of having advertisers trade scope documents and agency financials via email or […]
The Primary Drivers Behind the Move to Deliverable-First Pricing with Agencies

The Rise of Deliverable-first Models: What are deliverable-first models, and why are they on the rise? It’s dinner time. You sit down and look at the menu. You place our order. The dishes you ordered are specialties of that restaurant. After you enjoy your meal, you ask for the check. You get an itemized list […]
Automating the SOW Process (Mondelez)

Featured on ANA’s Insight Brief: New ANA research reveals shifts in agency comp practices — Read the published article — With increasing pressure to cut costs, Mondelez decided to take a look at its rudimentary, manual scope of work (SOW) process to see if there was a financial benefit in automating and updating it. Originally, […]
Agency Mania Solutions Presents at Association of National Advertiser’s Members-Only Conference

Co-Founder Bruno Gralpois to speak on improving marketing outcomes through efficient scoping and briefing: SAN FRANCISCO – April 25, 2018 – Agency Mania Solutions’ Co-Founder Bruno Gralpois will present as a guest speaker at the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Business to Business Members-Only Conference at Wells Fargo on April 25, discussing how large advertisers […]
How Effective Briefing Ensures Clients Get Better Work From Their Agencies

Are Your Briefs Tight Enough? I am not referring to briefs as the style of close-fitting, short, snug underwear commonly known as “jockey shorts” in the U.S. Instead, I am referring to the number one contributing factor to wasted marketing dollars and troubled client/agency relationships: briefs that are often way too loose, incomplete and seriously […]
Five Scope of Work and Input Briefing Best Practices Successful Companies Follow to Consistently Increase Marketing Performance and Drive Efficiencies

Download a print-friendly version here Can Your Relationship Handle the IKEA Meltdown? Most relationships cannot handle the highly stressful process of assembling IKEA furniture, especially when the directions are unclear or simply missing or lost. If you ever shopped at IKEA and attempted to put together any large piece of furniture without directions and with […]