How advertisers can give their agencies actionable feedback

Ageless principles advertisers should follow to give agencies productive performance feedback and drive meaningful improvements. The value of annual or semi-annual performance reviews is now universally understood. They are opportunities for the client and agency teams to provide useful feedback to improve the work relationship and the overall partnership. Few, if any, would risk bypassing […]
The Organized Feedback Framework

Providing and receiving feedback to/from valuable partners requires a multi-dimensional organized approach that is essential to building long-term thriving partnerships: — Read the published article on 4A’s — — Read the published article from the Association of National Advertisers– All relationships flourish on feedback. All relationships require input […]
Agency Mania Solutions Unveils New PerformanceDeliver™ Solution

Automated client/agency performance evaluation solution identifies and analyzes potential inefficiencies in areas most critical to joint success: SEATTLE – April 30, 2018 – Agency Mania Solutions today announced the addition of PerformanceDeliver to its existing suite of SaaS-based agency management solutions. PerformanceDeliver is an automated evaluation solution that improves and strengthens existing client/agency relationships by […]
How Adding Real-Time Feedback to Annual Agency Evaluations Reduces Undesirable Surprises and Boosts Long-Term Client/Agency Performance

Download a print-friendly version here If Only I Knew How often have you told yourself, “If only I knew! I would have taken immediate action to address the issue”? Have you ever found yourself in the uncomfortable situation of participating in an annual performance review and being told about improvement areas that were, until that […]
Why Advertisers and Agencies Should Improve How They Work Together to Maintain a Healthy, Loving and Productive Relationship

Download a print-friendly version here I love you. I love you not. Happy Valentine’s Day. Looking back, the earliest surviving valentine is a 15th-century rondeau written by French nobleman and medieval poet Charles, Duke of Orléans (1394 –1465), to his wife, while he was being held in the Tower of London following his capture. He […]
Ending the Mania of Endless Client/Agency Reviews and Increasingly Popular “Speed Relationships” That Undermine Great Work and Sustained Performance

Download a print-friendly version here Will you marry me for just one night? “Will you marry me for just one night?” is one of many popular pickup lines. But it’s a lot more than just humorous. If you work in the advertising industry, this line is more likely to make you cry your eyes out […]
Do-It-For-Me or Do-It-Yourself? How Marketers Should Decide When Outsourcing Their Client/Agency Performance Evaluations is the Right Approach

“Do you like to do it yourself? How is the mood striking you now?” Download a print-friendly version here In the iconic 2005 movie “The 40-Year-Old Virgin,” bookstore assistant Beth (Elizabeth Banks) suggests to main character and nerdy guy Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) to check the “do-it-yourself” section. “Do you like to do it yourself?” […]