How advertisers can give their agencies actionable feedback

Ageless principles advertisers should follow to give agencies productive performance feedback and drive meaningful improvements. The value of annual or semi-annual performance reviews is now universally understood. They are opportunities for the client and agency teams to provide useful feedback to improve the work relationship and the overall partnership. Few, if any, would risk bypassing […]
10 Best Advertising Quotes of April 2021

Discover 10 most inspiring quotes about the state of advertising from industry thought-leaders such as Marla Kaplowitz (CEO 4As), Ivan Pollard (Global CMO General Mills), and Marc Pritchard (Chief Brand Officer Procter & Gamble), brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.
How to select the right software solution provider (Checklist)

Request a checklist to assist you in efficiently selecting the right long-term software solution provider: We understand that the process of selecting the right software solution provider for your agency management needs can be a daunting task, as you must consider many variables. Our checklist will help you go through the decision-making process more decisively […]
ScopeDeliver™ Negotiation Tracker

Request more information on our module within ScopeDeliver™ to improve your agency negotiation process: The process of getting alignment on scope of work (SOW) expectations and agency financials is a common planning activity for brand advertisers. Once the client has articulated the scope requirements, the agency submits their proposal based on the agreed-upon compensation model […]
Partnering for success

Our visual: showcases the 10 essential ingredients to PARTNERING for success. We breakdown what we’ve learned over decades about top-performing partnerships and how to achieve long-term success. Download a print-friendly version here Find the accompanying article here
Guide: Secure Funding

Request a guide on how to successfully secure funding for your agency management software solutions: Software solutions dedicated to better managing agency activities are increasingly common as brand advertisers look for more systematic and automated ways to enable and foster these important partnerships, anywhere from roster, scope, briefing, and training to performance management. Although where […]
CMO’s 8 Priorities Come 2020

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the published ANA article — It’s never too soon to plan for the future. The year 2020 is glowing on the horizon, fueled by opportunities, innovation, transformative forces, and yes, the fear of the unknown. The conversation around what 2020 will bring for the marketing industry often spans […]
How Advertisers Can Learn From Debacles Like Samsung’s Recent Agency Partnership Audit

Lessons Learned from the Samsung Debacle: In the age of transparency and accountability, advertisers can learn from debacles like Samsung’s recent agency partnership audit. The marketing industry is still in shock, following the announcement that Samsung Electronics Co.’s presumed audit of its agency practices and operations led to various layoffs and the departure of top […]
Brand Advertisers Must Constantly Assess and Reflect on the Important Role They Play in Managing Their Agency Partnerships Effectively and Responsibly

CMOs: What Should You Ask Yourself and Your Organization? Self-reflection is an important part of personal development. We can’t grow and mature until we ask ourselves tough questions, reflect on what we’ve done, learn from it, and apply ourselves to improve. This is equally as true in professional settings and in our industry. If you […]
Improving Work Quality, Efficiency, and Transparency, Without Falling Into Common Scope of Work Traps That Undermine Marketing Efforts

Avoiding Deadly Scope of Work Traps: The importance of having a robust scope of work (SOW) management system that improves how a brand advertiser manages the allocation of its internal and agency resources– human and financial–no longer needs to be established. The years of having advertisers trade scope documents and agency financials via email or […]
To Increase Agency-Client Trust, Align on Incentives

Featured on Ignition Consulting Group: — Read the published Ignition article — The level of mutual trust between agencies and their clients is at an all-time low. There are many culprits, some historical and perennial, some temporary and episodic. The current debate over media “transparency” is a manifestation of the erosion of trust in agency-client […]
The Uneasy Truth About Being a Client and What It Means to Build Lasting Partnerships in Today’s Cut-Throat Environment

Client Agency Relationships: Confessions of an Ex-Client: I’d like to confess. Actually, I have multiple confessions to make. Four to be precise. No worries. This is not a remake of “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind” (2002), so they won’t keep you up at night. But if you’ve ever been a client, you too would have […]