RosterDeliver™ Agency Feedback Survey

Request more information on the module that enables the collection of client feedback right inside RosterDeliver™ to enhance the quality and relevancy of agency profiles: RosterDeliver™ is a powerful solution to track and serve detailed agency profiles from a company’s roster of agencies to their internal marketing community. The purpose is to match internal needs […]
ScopeDeliver™ Internal SOW Benchmarking

Request more information on the module within our ScopeDeliver™ solution to collect, aggregate, and report historical costs to assist in the negotiation and alignment process with agencies: An important part of the scope of work (SOW) process is the review and approval of the agency’s fee or cost submission required to carry out the work […]
EvaluationDeliver™ Participation Tool

Request more information on the Participation Tool feature within our agency performance solution, EvaluationDeliver™, that provides a more streamlined and simplified process to manage and update participation lists: Anyone who has ever set up and run a survey process like client/agency evaluations appreciates the inherent complexities and challenges associated with building and maintaining/updating a list […]
ScopeDeliver™ Negotiation Tracker

Request more information on our module within ScopeDeliver™ to improve your agency negotiation process: The process of getting alignment on scope of work (SOW) expectations and agency financials is a common planning activity for brand advertisers. Once the client has articulated the scope requirements, the agency submits their proposal based on the agreed-upon compensation model […]
Podcast Evaluating and Managing Marketing Agency Partners

Featured on MarTech Podcast Listen to Benjamin Shapiro’s interview with guest Bruno Gralpois, Co-Founder and Principal of Agency Mania Solutions, where he discusses the best way to evaluate and manage your existing agency relationships, along with the frequency at which an evaluation should occur. You’ll learn the three vital aspects to agency performance, and how […]
10 Best Advertising Quotes September 2020

Discover 10 most inspiring quotes about the state of advertising from industry thought-leaders, brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.
10 Best Advertising Quotes July 2020

Discover 10 most inspiring quotes about the state of advertising from industry thought-leaders, brought to you by Bruno Gralpois of Agency Mania Solutions. Includes short comments.
The Domino Effect

Featured on AdExchanger: Anticipating the cascading impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the advertising industry and client/agency relationships. — Read the published AdExchanger article — We are all too familiar with the chain reaction produced when one event sets off a series of inevitable events. Today’s economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic has also set […]
ScopeDeliver™: Toyota

This Scope of Work Software enables Toyota to streamline data entry/imports by agencies, improved end-to-end transparency, and stronger and more productive collaboration.
The Question Guide to Financial Stability During a Recession

Featured on Adweek: Is your agency ready for a recession? –Read the published Adweek guide – Agencies are hardly strangers to volatility. Increasingly late or delayed payments from clients and the unpredictability of project-based work make financial stability a challenge even in the best of times. While there’s no way of knowing what the next […]
Gilead Science’s Integrated Platform

An integrated mix of agency management tools enables Gilead Sciences to improve agency insights, action plans, work output, relationships and more streamlined, efficient use of resources.

This Roster Management Software enables this client to optimize and simplify its agency roster, making it easy for marketers for search for a given agency.