Managing (Agency) Mania

Featured on AdWeek: — Read AdWeek’s published article — If it’s news to you that the client/agency model has been in flames for years now, there’s also this new thing called the Internet that you might want to know about. Of course, there’s a big difference between just saying that the old setup is shot […]

Agency Partners Help Drive Strong Business Performance

Agency Partners Help Drive Strong Business Performance How many hats do you wear? If you are a CMO, you’re probably wearing at least half a dozen: brand strategist, marcom integrator, data tsar, growth officer, social master, mobile advocate—and the list goes on. Perhaps one of the most important roles played by today’s CMO is talent […]

How Can Advertisers Successfully Overcome the Inherent Complexity of Today’s Marketing Operations and Streamline Partnership Efforts With Their Agencies?

Download a print-friendly version here Discover five effective ways to overcome your company’s Cost of Complexity (COC). Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. That’s what Leonardo da Vinci believed, and I do too. However, marketing has never been more complex: advanced programmatic buying, social media engineering, behavioral targeting, attribution and purchase propensity models, mobile programming, complex […]