Top Search Consultants Meet in LA Looking for Insight on the Changing Nature of the Ad Industry and Its Vibrant Ecosystem of Agencies

Still Searching: In the American thriller “Searching,” by Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian, a father searches for his daughter in a movie set solely on computer screens and smartphones. The movie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in early 2018, is a financial success, generating 75 times more in revenue than it cost to […]
CMO’s 8 Priorities Come 2020

Featured on ANA Marketing Maestros — Read the published ANA article — It’s never too soon to plan for the future. The year 2020 is glowing on the horizon, fueled by opportunities, innovation, transformative forces, and yes, the fear of the unknown. The conversation around what 2020 will bring for the marketing industry often spans […]
Brand Advertisers Must Constantly Assess and Reflect on the Important Role They Play in Managing Their Agency Partnerships Effectively and Responsibly

CMOs: What Should You Ask Yourself and Your Organization? Self-reflection is an important part of personal development. We can’t grow and mature until we ask ourselves tough questions, reflect on what we’ve done, learn from it, and apply ourselves to improve. This is equally as true in professional settings and in our industry. If you […]
Predicting a New Era of Energized Partnerships, Fierce Growth, Drastic Changes, and New Ways for Clients and Their Agencies to Collaborate

Advertisers and Agencies: Are You Ready For 2020? FORGET ABOUT 2019 PREDICTIONS. The year 2020 is glowing on the horizon, fueled by opportunities, innovation, transformative forces, and yes, the fear of the unknown. There have been many attempts to get a glimpse into the future and predict what 2020 would look like for the marketing […]
How In-House and External Agencies Can Not Only Coexist But Thrive Together

How in-house and external agencies can not only coexist but thrive together. Download a print-friendly version here By: Bruno Gralpois Author/Speaker, Thought-provocateur, Client/Agency Guru, Entrepreneur, Innovator The growing number of brand advertisers setting up their own in-house agencies has grown exponentially in recent years. This phenomenon is often mentioned by industry analysts and top agency […]
Agency Mania Solutions to Join Keynote Panel at MDC’s Global Partners Summit

Co-Founder Bruno Gralpois to Address Agency Partnerships at International Event: SEATTLE – May 17, 2018 – MDC Partners has selected Bruno Gralpois, co-founder and principal of Agency Mania Solutions, to participate in MDC’s Global Partners Summit, May 17 in Nashville. Gralpois will join other industry leaders and brand advertisers in a discussion exploring modern collaborative […]
Five Steps to a Great Creative Brief

Featured on the ANA: Five things marketers can do to produce a better creative brief. — Read the published ANA article — In advertising, it can be argued that the smoothest path to great creative work begins with an equally great creative brief. But the process of delivering an effective brief is no easy task, […]
Advertisers, Get Off Your Agency’s Back!

Featured on The Marketing Dive: Advertisers, if you want success, it’s time to get off your agency’s back. — Read the published Marketing Dive article — You’re thinking, “But why? I’m paying them!” Yes, you foot the bill to retain a brilliant agency to extend your creative thinking and help you meet your goals, so shouldn’t they […]
20 Effective Ways Brand Advertisers Can Master the Art Form of Providing Thoughtful, Productive Feedback to Their Agency Partners During Creative Reviews

Download a print-friendly version here Make The Logo Bigger! Asking the agency “Can you make the logo bigger?” after its presentation of a new creative idea is the equivalent of asking your spouse “What’s wrong with you?” or “Why do you never do what I want?” The conversation is likely to steer in the wrong […]
Relationship Capital

ANA Final Say By Bruno Gralpois As we celebrate the ANA’s 100th Anniversary and its vibrant history of advertising, it’s a good time to reflect on our vast and ever-growing arsenal of weapons of mass persuasion and ask ourselves: What clever combination of stones may we have left unturned? Following years of economic progress driven […]
Top 5 Ways Brand Advertisers Can Foster Real, Sustained Collaboration Between Their Roster Agencies and Create Better, Faster, Stronger Work…Together

Download a print-friendly version here How Marketers Can Get Their Agencies to Collaborate The first part of “Ménage à trois” comes from the Latin mansionem, “dwelling,” and old French word that meant “management of a household.” The concept of managing and orchestrating a carefully assembled roster of agencies has been particularly popular among brand advertisers […]