20 Effective Ways Brand Advertisers Can Master the Art Form of Providing Thoughtful, Productive Feedback to Their Agency Partners During Creative Reviews

Download a print-friendly version here Make The Logo Bigger! Asking the agency “Can you make the logo bigger?” after its presentation of a new creative idea is the equivalent of asking your spouse “What’s wrong with you?” or “Why do you never do what I want?” The conversation is likely to steer in the wrong […]
What do Great CMOs Have in Common?

Download a print-friendly version here Great CMOs are amazing partnership builders. They create strong, long-lasting agency relationships that deliver unmatched work and results. By Bruno Gralpois Author/Speaker, Thought-provocateur, amplifying partnerships to create transformative value The advertising industry is known for its vast number of glowing award ceremonies that celebrate agency and advertiser talent alike, […]
Why Advertisers and Agencies Should Improve How They Work Together to Maintain a Healthy, Loving and Productive Relationship

Download a print-friendly version here I love you. I love you not. Happy Valentine’s Day. Looking back, the earliest surviving valentine is a 15th-century rondeau written by French nobleman and medieval poet Charles, Duke of Orléans (1394 –1465), to his wife, while he was being held in the Tower of London following his capture. He […]
Discover the Seven Secrets Behind the World’s Most Successful Client/Agency Relationships and What They Share in Common

Download a print-friendly version here Here’s to the crazy ones. The round pegs in the square holes. Transcript: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status […]
Top 10 Best Practices Successful Companies and Their Marketing Organizations are Putting Into Practice

Download a print-friendly version here Successful companies and their marketing organizations are putting into practice Articulate strategy to strengthen the company’s agency model Do you have the right agency strategy/model in place to support your marketing goals? Is the agency model and entire roster aligned to your organizational requirements? Is it structured to take you […]
Ending the Mania of Endless Client/Agency Reviews and Increasingly Popular “Speed Relationships” That Undermine Great Work and Sustained Performance

Download a print-friendly version here Will you marry me for just one night? “Will you marry me for just one night?” is one of many popular pickup lines. But it’s a lot more than just humorous. If you work in the advertising industry, this line is more likely to make you cry your eyes out […]
Why I Ditched the Cannes Ad Fest and Headed West This Year
Featured on Forbes Magazine — Read the published Forbes article — Usually around this time of year, I would find myself on the Croisette at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Soaking up both sun and shortlists, attending a seminar or two, discussing where ad agencies get it all wrong and clients got it half right, […]
Managing (Agency) Mania

Featured on AdWeek: — Read AdWeek’s published article — If it’s news to you that the client/agency model has been in flames for years now, there’s also this new thing called the Internet that you might want to know about. Of course, there’s a big difference between just saying that the old setup is shot […]
Agency Partners Help Drive Strong Business Performance

Agency Partners Help Drive Strong Business Performance How many hats do you wear? If you are a CMO, you’re probably wearing at least half a dozen: brand strategist, marcom integrator, data tsar, growth officer, social master, mobile advocate—and the list goes on. Perhaps one of the most important roles played by today’s CMO is talent […]
How to Improve Client/Agency Evaluations and Achieve Greater Accountability

The 8 Critical Obstacles: Traditional ways of conducting agency evaluations are no longer working. Old-fashioned evaluations are no longer providing clients and agencies the insight needed to manage their partnership effectively. To move towards 100% mutual accountability, these partnerships demand better data, greater insight and more actionable information that can enhance their work relationship. Here’s […]
Top 5 Client Qualities That Contribute to Better Work and Long-Lasting, Productive Partnerships in the Era of Client/Agency Speed Dating and One-Night Stands

Download a print-friendly version here “L’amour est-il mort?” (“Is Love Dead?”) French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering aviator Antoine de St-Exupéry once said: “Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la mêm direction.” (Translation: “Love doesn’t mean gazing at each other, but looking, together, in the same direction.”) Applied […]
4 Common Myths That Keep Even the Best Advertisers From Turning the Mania of Client/Agency Relationships Into Screaming Brilliance

Download a print-friendly version here Admit it: We are all Maniacs! Most of us are maniacs. If you read this, it probably means you are too. If you are in a leadership role in a Fortune 500 organization, or support one, chances are you are challenged to keep up with the rapid transformation of the […]