Migrating an existing tool to Agency Mania Solutions

Request a white paper to help you benefit from top-notch capabilities instead of settling for a suboptimal solution: Brand advertisers who reevaluate their agency management software requirements on a regular basis benefit from the continuing innovation offered by an ever-disruptive market. Contents We Dive Into: The strategic value in replacing existing solutions How we help […]
System Integration

Request a white paper on how we integrate our solutions with internal or third-party systems: The concept of connecting applications for more effective data sharing has grown in popularity. Data is effective only when it is shared in a timely manner with other systems that can benefit from it. Most of the organizations we work […]
Successful Roll Out

Request a white paper on how we ensure a seamless and effective solution implementation: Having the right vision and strategy are critical to success. Yet, without the right implementation and change management process, these efforts can fall short of delivering the type of value they are meant to produce. At AMS (Agency Mania Solutions), we […]
Provisioning & Onboarding Process

Request a white paper on getting ready to deploy a solution with Agency Mania Solutions: Brand advertisers who engage us to build and roll out one of our agency management solutions follow a common process and methodology, aka the “provisioning phase,” for a successful deployment. We partner closely with our clients to determine and publish […]
Cost Benchmarking

Request a white paper on how to get the most value from cost benchmarking: Cost benchmarking has received much attention in recent years as brand advertisers look more carefully at their expenses, seek greater transparency from agency partners on cost assumptions, and, in the end, strive to drive better and more effective use of their […]
The Case for Custom Software

Request a white paper on the case for custom vs. out-of-the-box software: As brand advertisers streamline and automate their agency management processes, they often assume they must conform their processes to the capabilities of pre-packaged software (aka out-of-the-box solutions). This opinion paper highlights the benefits of custom over pre-packaged software as a service (or SaaS). […]